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Top Early Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer

There are no specific warning signs of prostate cancer, which is why regular screening is important. Since the prostate is close to the urethra and bladder, prostate cancer patients may see urinary symptoms. Some early warning signs of prostate cancer include Painful ejaculation Pain or burning while urinating Erectile dysfunction  Difficulties while urinating Presence of blood in semen Frequent urges to urinate especially during the night Hematuria resulting in the presence of blood in the urine No control on the bladder Lower flow or velocity of the urine stream Leakage while laughing or coughing Unable to urinate while standing Reduction in the amount of fluid ejaculated Pain or pressure on the rectum Stiffness or pain in lower back, thighs, pelvis, or hips The above symptoms may appear when the tumor results in the swelling of the prostate gland or it has spread beyond the prostate. Once cancer has advanced, patients may notice the following symptoms: Problems in the bowel Loss of appetite and weight Dull and deep pain or stiffness in the upper thighs, pelvis, ribs, or lower back or pain in the bones around these areas Paralysis or weakness in the lower limbs often accompanied with constipation Numbness in the hips, feet, or legs Fatigue, vomiting, or nausea Pain in the bones that does not subside or may result in fractures Swelling in the lower extremities Prostate cancer that recurs after treatment is known as recurrent cancer.