9 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff

9 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff

Dandruff affects over 50% of people in our nation alone. While it’s an embarrassing problem, it is among the most common issues. Yet, many overlook dandruff, but it is also challenging to maintain hygiene with this issue. If you’re eager to get rid of dandruff, you’re at the right place. Here are the top home remedies for dandruff:

  • Try tree tea oil:  Tree tea oil is known to have both anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, which can help get rid of dandruff. However, if you have sensitive skin, mix it with a carrier oil like coconut oil so that it does not irritate the scalp.
  • Use coconut oil well:   Coconut oil has several healing properties, and preventing dandruff is one among those. Applying coconut oil on your scalp is soothing, and it also an effective home remedy for dandruff.
  • Find ways to manage your stress levels:  While there is no study to prove that stress is a direct cause of dandruff, the issue aggravates due to stress. The reason behind this is irritation and itchiness, which is often caused by high stress levels.
  • Increase your intake of omega-3:  Omega-3 fatty acids directly impact the production of oil and also hydrate your skin, so up your consumption of omega-3 to help keep dandruff at bay. You can opt for supplements after consulting your doctor or choose dietary sources of these healthy fats.
  • Opt for more probiotics:  Sometimes, fungal infections can be the cause of your dandruff. To deal with this, consume more probiotics to help strengthen your immunity and prevent dandruff.
  • Apply vinegar to your hair:  Vinegar can surely help in treating dry and itchy skin, and it can also help in combatting fungus that can be the cause of dandruff. Combine equal parts of white vinegar and water and apply the mixture gently on the scalp.
  • Use garlic:  You can pound one or two cloves of garlic, mix them with water, and apply this to your hair. While the smell of garlic may be a little problematic, it is one of the best home remedies for dandruff.
  • Don’t keep your hair oiled for too long:  Oil enhances the growth of Malazzesia, which increases the chances of dandruff, so it’s best to avoid oiling frequently and not keep the hair oiled for too long.
  • Use baking soda:  Baking soda can help act as a scrub and exfoliate the skin, and regular exfoliation helps scrub off the flakes that build with dandruff. You can add a little baking soda to your shampoo to get good results with this remedy.

While plenty of over-the-counter medications can help treat dandruff, home remedies are always better for doing away with dandruff as they come with zero side effects and significant results.